How much are flights to Japan this December ?

by Best-Japanese Team
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Flights to Japan Vincent Genevay

Are you thinking of flying to Japan from the UK during December 2022? You may be wondering how much flights to Japan cost towards the end of the year. To save you time checking, we’ve collected the prices for return flights for both a 10-day trip and a 14-day trip. Here are the results from London for flights under a total journey time of 20 hours using Skyscanner:

Flights to Japan Fasyah Halim
Credit: Fasyah Halim

Going for a 10-day trip?

Cheapest Flights to Japan

Departs December 2nd and returns on December 12th. The return flight is to London Heathrow, and you’ll be arriving and departing from Tokyo Narita Airport, which is 60 minutes from Tokyo station. The transit in Charles De Gaulle airport is 3 hours 20 minutes for both the inbound and outbound flights.

Cheapest Return Flights in December

Direct Flights to Japan

Departs December 2nd and returns on December 12th. The return flight is to London Heathrow, and you’ll be arriving and departing from Tokyo Haneda Airport which is just over 30 minutes from Tokyo station.

Cheapest Direct Flights in December

Planning a 14-day trip?

Cheapest Flights to Japan

Departs December 4th and returns on December 18th. The return flight is to London City Airport, and you’ll be arriving and departing from Tokyo Narita Airport. The transit in Charles De Gaulle airport is 3 hours 5 mins on the outbound leg and 1 hour 25 mins on the inbound flight.

Cheapest 14-day trip Flights in December

Direct Flights to Japan

Departs December 1st and returns on December 15th. The return flight is to London Heathrow, and you’ll be arriving and departing from Tokyo Haneda Airport which is just over 30 minutes from Tokyo station.

Cheapest 14-day trip Direct Flights in December

Looking for Japan Travel Tips?

We hope providing these flights to Japan were helpful for you. If your trip is coming up soon, we recommend reading through our article on the Japan borders opening. This is where we go through Covid-19 test requirements, how to fast track when entering Japan, and some of the new attractions you can see. Also, if you want to get our 15 essential travel tips, check out our Japan Travel Tips.

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1 comment

When is the best time to visit Japan? - Best-Japanese December 1, 2022 - 11:21 pm

[…] We hope this information on the best time to travel to Japan was helpful for you. If you are hoping to get information on what to plan for before travelling, take a read through our Japan Travel Tips. Also, you can check out how much flights cost roughly from London in December as we’ve checked these for you in our post on How much are flights to Japan? […]

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