Top 5 London Sushi restaurants

by Best-Japanese Team
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There are so many fantastic sushi restaurants in London. We are currently compiling our list of the top restaurants you have to visit.

  1. Mugen
  2. Cocoro
  3. Cafe Japan London

1 Mugen

Mugen Sushi Tokujyo Set
Mugen Tokuyo Sushi

There are at least a hundred restaurants in London where you can eat sushi. The issue is only a handful serve sushi matching the high standards of Japan at prices we consider reasonable. Often you really have to pay for quality raw fish and shari in this city. At Mugen however, you can eat incredible sushi at a cost that you could agree is fair for London restaurants.

On the Saturday evening we went at the end of July, it was busy but not full and it seemed like a hidden gem for Japanese expats. When I walked in the staff spoke to me in fluent Japanese, and I saw each table was taken up by Japanese coworkers, friends and couples. Without any exaggeration, for almost two hours my friend and I could only hear Japanese conversations around us.

We ordered their Tokyujo (superior special set) which came with 10 pieces of nigiri and 6 tuna maki rolls. The nigiri neta included salmon, salmon roe, sea bream, tuna, grilled eel, mackerel, scallops and prawn. We shared this sushi set, and I can tell you each nigiri we ate was divine. The quality of the fish and seafood was unquestionable and the size was perfect. I often grumble a lot about ultra-thin prawns or slices not delivering in UK sushi restaurants. There was none of that here and we enjoyed each piece. Mugen definitely has the best sushi in London when you factor in quality and an accessible price.

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